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White Sage Smudge Stick

White Sage Smudge Stick

A smudge stick is a bundle of dried herbs, usually bound with string into a small bundle. The herbs are later burned for purifying, cleansing, and protection.  This ritual is known as sage smudging – and it’s practiced by burning the bundle of dried sage and then directing the smoke onto the areas that you want to clear or protect.

In this very simply way, the energy of white sage, brings cleansing, protection, and blessings into the space it’s burned in.  The smoke attaches to negative energies, and as the smoke then begins to dissipate it transforms those negative energies into universal energy. And so, your intention for cleansing, clearing and protection is fulfilled.


    Light your sage at the very tips of the leaves, and once ignited, quickly (but carefully) blow out the flames to allow the leaves to smolder.
    It’s the wafting of the smoke, not the flames that allows the cleansing energy of sage to be released into your energy and space. In addition, turn off fans, and close windows and doors to minimize wind, and drafty breezes.

    Once your sage is smoldering, hold it over a fire-safe bowl, plate, or shell so you don’t drop ashes on yourself or in your home.  You can then waft the smoke using a feather, your hand, or by actually moving the sage upwards and then down in a smooth motion.

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